Hi Folks,
I made this topic for folks that want to suggest improvements to the forum. Feel free to also complain about things about the forum that you don't like. But keep in mind if you complain you had better have a solution in mind before you do.
One of the things that I already dislike is the advertising. Forumotion has a credit system that if we gain enough credits we can remove the advertising. It bugs me and I suspect it bugs you as well. I would at least like to move it from that obnoxoious banner to somethiing more discrete on the side bar and I also think it should be beekeeping specific adverts if we have any.
What are your opinions? Keep in mind that if we go advert free we will be limited what we can do here and everbody might have to donate some money to keep it running.
I vote to keep the advertising but try to make it more discrete and make it beekeeping related. Ideas?